Teresa Krieger MD PhD
Teresa is currently Assistant Professor of Translational Molecular Oncology at Charité Berlin. She previously worked as a postdoc in bioinformatics at the BIH, the translational branch of Charité, and the DKFZ.
Teresa trained in physics and medicine, completing a PhD with Ben Simons at the University of Cambridge in 2016. She also spent some time working in systems biology at MIT and the Weizmann Institute.
When not doing science or medicine, she enjoys running, hiking and music.
MD in Medicine Heidelberg University & Charite Berlin
PhD, MSci, BA in Physics University of Cambridge
Amos Münch MSc
Amos is a PhD student interested in developing machine learning, deep learning and other statistical methods for spatial transcriptomics data and their application to rare cancers.
He previously worked in neuropathology at the DKFZ and at Goethe Universität Frankfurt.
Amos studied bioinformatics and biology at Freie Universität Berlin and at the University of Sheffield.
BSc in Bioinformatics Freie Universität Berlin
BSc, MSc in Biology Freie Universität Berlin & University of Sheffield
We are looking for motivated PhD, MD or MSci students to join our team! If you’re interested in studying cancer using single-cell and spatial approaches, please get in touch with Teresa (teresa.krieger[a]
Dr. med. Jonas Lehmitz was a MSc student in the group from Apr 2023 until Oct 2023, working on the prediction of single-cell gene expression from H&E images. He now applies his machine learning expertise in industry.
Mohammad el-Ismail was a MSc student in the group from Feb 2022 until Oct 2022, making deep learning based predictions from histopathological images of pancreatic cancer. He is now finishing his Data Science degree at FU Berlin.