
Thank you for visiting this website, where you’ll find a summary of our past and present research activities. We are a new computational group at the Institute of Pathology at Charité Berlin, and also associated with the Charité Comprehensive Cancer Center (CCCC).

Our research applies machine learning and statistical modelling to better understand how cellular behaviours give rise to human diseases.

A particular focus of our work is on different cancers, including brain and pancreatic cancers. Through single-cell transcriptomics and imaging, we study the heterogeneity of tumour cells and their interactions with the surrounding tissue. We also develop approaches to integrate this information with routine clinical data, such as histopathology images.

The main goal of this research is to create computational tools that make use of single-cell data to improve disease classification and personalised therapy.


  • November 2022: The group officially started at the Institute of Pathology at Charité Berlin

  • June 2022: Teresa presented our work at the Single Cell Biology Conference (Cambridge, UK)

  • May 2022: Teresa gave a talk on transcriptional and spatial cellular heterogeneity in cancer at the Max Delbrück Center in Berlin
